~ There have many books written on grace in the last thirty years but few that anchor grace to covenant. In addition there are many of us who have lived with grace in our heads but not in our hearts. We talk grace, but deep down we are performance-driven Christians. Anchoring grace to covenant prevents us from falling into the pitfall of licence. The prophetic meaning of the Feast of Unleavened Bread protects us from the opposite error of legalism. The book does not shy away from tackling some of the NT scriptures that seem to contradict grace. Readers will learn • why grace is best understood in the context of covenant • why it is imperative to “give away grace” • why we tend to go back to law and self-effort • why the Feast of Unleavened Bread is so important • why holiness and grace go hand in hand
Michael Arnold holds degrees from Rhodes and Oxford, and taught for many years at St Andrew's College, Grahamstown. he was successively chaplain at Claysmore School, Dorset, UK and St John's College, Johannesburg.